Genealogy of the Bryan and Martin Families

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This picture was in the family Bible of Charles and Ann Nolan Duff.
Owner of original: Duff Family Bible, now owned by Gregory A. Martin
This woman is believed to have been a MacGruder relative.
This picture was in the family Bible of Charles and Ann Nolan Duff.
Owner of original: Gregory Allen Martin
Date: cir 1881
This picture was in the family Bible of Charles and Ann Nolan Duff.
Owner of original: Gregory Allen Martin
This picture was in the family Bible of Charles and Ann Nolan Duff. The picture was taken in Dundee, Scotland, and it is assumed that the subject was probably a relative of Charles Duff.

Photographer - William Lowden, 10 Constitution Terrace, Dundee, Scotland
Owner of original: Gregory Allen Martin
Date: cir 1875
Taken by a photographer named Cornell in Ligonier, Indiana. There is nothing written on the reverse. Donated to the Noble County, Indiana, Historical Society
There is nothing written on the reverse side, and there is no photographer's name.
This photograph was taken by Ground Floor Studio in Freeport, Illinois. There is nothing written on the reverse. Donated to the Stephenson County, Illinois, Historical Society
Photograph taken by T. Bourke of Perth, Scotland
Owner of original: Gregory Allen Martin
United States Army Separation Qualification Record
United States Army Separation Qualification Record
United States Navy Service Record
United States Navy Service Record
Unknown, possibly relatives of Charles Edward Duff or his wife, Ann Nolan Duff
Unknown, possibly relatives of Charles Edward Duff or his wife, Ann Nolan Duff
Owner of original: cir 1877
Uriah McKnight's Administrators vs. Jacob Humphrey's Administrators
Uriah McKnight's Administrators vs. Jacob Humphrey's Administrators
Loudoun County, Virginia, USA
Various Ships Outside for Cleaning
Various Ships Outside for Cleaning
Various Ships Outside for Cleaning
Various Ships Outside for Cleaning
Verlinda Swearingen Magruder
Verlinda Swearingen Magruder
Status: Located;
Verna Klinger
Verna Klinger
This is a photograph on postcard dated c1904-1918. Written on the reverse: Verna Klinger. This has been returned to a family member.
Verna Klinger
Verna Klinger
This is a photograph on an unmailed postcard from about 1918-1930. Written on the reverse: Verna Klinger
Vernon Lamar Kohn
Vernon Lamar Kohn
Status: Located;
0, 10
Veteran's Monument at Milledgeville-Plymough Cemetery
Veteran's Monument at Milledgeville-Plymough Cemetery
Status: Located; Contains Joshua L. Magruder's name
Victor and Cora Hanley Martin on their wedding day
Victor and Cora Hanley Martin on their wedding day
View from Pennsbury
View from Pennsbury
Viking Ship
Viking Ship
Viking Ship
Viking Ship
[See the notes for the Long Serpent. The following was added for this model.]

Following this picture is a smaller model showing location of the crew and officers and the oars in position. Notice the helmsman at the stern as he mans the steering oar.
Viking Ship: The Long Serpent
Viking Ship: The Long Serpent
The time is some 1200 years ago, and the scene the rune-carved ancestral hall of Varin, on the shores of Varin's Fjord in Norway. Varin is growing old. He is rich in everything but land. His hall is replete with gold, fine fabrics and great treasures of other lands, but his odal is small. Therefore on this day he gives one of his skutas or dragon ships to his son Lief, telling him to go forth and carve fame and fortune for himself. Lief, eager for the world like a mettled stallion, gathers around him seventy of the young men clamorous to follow him in Viking voyages of adventure, discovery, and acquisition - to visit friendly jarls, hostile countries or unknown lands, to return with gold and wives. Lief's ship was a war vessel distinguishable from a merchant craft by her longer lines and ornamentations. She was called variously a skuta, a long ship, a dragon ship, or a long-serpent. Her extreme length was 79 feet, the breadth is 16.5 feet, and the displacement or weight with fittings about 20 tons. She was slim but very sturdy and sea worthy. Her object was with oars and sails to strike swiftly and hard and to withstand the knocks of an enemy or the battering of the fierce northern gales. His ship was not only useful, it was decorative with its carvings and black and gold schemes. The main dimensions used to build this model of the long serpent or war vessel are based on the actual Viking ship which was discovered in 1880 lying in a tumulus (a hill or mound over a grave) at Gokstad, Norway. This ship is preserved at the University of Norway museum at Christiana. Some details of our model are from a merchant ship found at Oseberg and others from the Nydam ship as well as from the Bayeux Tapestry and the Eddic sagas. It will be noted that this ship has a great sheer, by which is meant that it is low amidships and high at the ends. Ships with a big sheer are the driest when the waves are high. These ships are the first known that had to combat really stormy weather because their predecessors of the Mediterranean never encountered anything like the heavy weather of the northern oceans and always ran for port when the weather became threatening.

The story of how the Norsemen learned to use this sheer will probably interest those viewing the model.

It is related that the devil taught a shipbuilder that extra seaworthiness could be obtained by the big sheer but stipulated that he should have every seventh ship that was built. The ship owner prospered but forgot to keep count, with the result that his children and everything went down with the seventh ship. In these ships the rowers had no seats. They evidently stood to row in what is still known as "North Sea fashion". The hull of this ship is very similar to the ship in which another Lief, the son of Eric the Red, discovered America. On the bow the dragon or serpent's head was made as fearsome as possible to frighten the enemy, and had eyes so that the ship could see to keep out of danger as with some Chinese boats to this day. From the plank on which the helmsman stood or the "steerboard side" comes our modern name of "starboard" for the right side of a vessel. The other side was the leerboard or larboard side, meaning the empty side. This word larbaord side was later changed to port side to save confusion. Port is from the Portuguese meaning the open side which was laid next to the quay. The shields along the gunwales were used on the left arm of the men whenever they were in sword-to-sword combat ashore and when onboard the ship they hung the shields along the gunwales to man the oars. The Vikings must have been the hardiest of all seamen in vessels which were not much more than a large open boat and using oars for propulsion when the winds were unfavorable. They crossed the Atlantic many times. The first recorded was Lief Erickson in A.D. 1000.
Vincent and Katherine Westmeyer Walsh
Vincent and Katherine Westmeyer Walsh
Status: Located;
Viola Magruder Hewitt
Viola Magruder Hewitt
Status: Located;
Violet and Lowell McQuown
Violet and Lowell McQuown
Status: Located;
Owner of original: Photograph posted at by Anne Sears
Violet Johnson Kohn
Violet Johnson Kohn
Status: Located;
Owner of original: Diane Thompson
Virgil Valrea MacGruder
Virgil Valrea MacGruder
Virginie Douville Martin and children
Virginie Douville Martin and children
Status: Located;
Visit to Fort Myers
Visit to Fort Myers
Fort Myers (Florida) News Press, 8 October 1954
Waldo and Zola Wenger
Waldo and Zola Wenger
Status: Located;
Waldo May
Waldo May
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Account
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Account
This accounting record is dated 1858, and it was presented to the court on 4 January 1860.
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Receipt
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Receipt
Thomas Bryan appeared as a witness for seven days in 1844. The receipt is dated 11 November 1845. It is written on the reverse side of the 1843 subpoena.
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Subpoena
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Subpoena
The subpoena is dated 4 October 1843.
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Subpoena
Walker County, Georgia, USA, Subpoena
The subpoena is dated 10 January 1859.
Wallace and Cora McQuown
Wallace and Cora McQuown
Status: Located;
Owner of original: Greg Martin
Date: 17 Apr 2010
Wallace Brothers
Wallace Brothers
Wallace Brothers
Wallace Brothers
Wallace McQuown draft registration
Wallace McQuown draft registration
Walter and Leah Logue Cotter
Walter and Leah Logue Cotter
Status: Located;
Walter and Ruth Westmeyer
Walter and Ruth Westmeyer
Status: Located;
Walter C. Talley
Walter C. Talley
Status: Located;
Owner of original:
Walter Cotter World War I draft registration
Walter Cotter World War I draft registration
Walter Cotter World War II draft registration
Walter Cotter World War II draft registration
Walter Knox
Walter Knox
Owner of original: Melissa Collard
Walter Lawrence Melrose obituary
Walter Lawrence Melrose obituary

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